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Crafts & Chat Sessions for Carers in Monmouthshire

Abergavenny & Monmouth

If you are or have been a carer, then call in for a Coffee, Craft & Chat workshops 10 a.m. to 2 p.m on Wednesdays at the Melville Centre, Abergavenny & Fridays at the Bridges, Monmouth. Come for all or just part of the session.

All are the sessions are free, including materials & craft kits for yourself or to share with those for whom you care.

Funded by GAVO ICF Small Grant Fund.

Taster Sessions:

Wed. 26th Jan: Melville Centre, Abergavenny, Bridget – Christmas Card Boxes; Rachel Cadman – drypoint sessions; Rebecca – clay tiles

Frid. 28th Jan: Bridges, Monmouth, Bridget – Christmas Card Boxes; Katey – Twig Heart & Rolled Paper Roses; Sarah – Willow Bird Feeders; Ginn – Embellish Embroidery.


Wed. 2nd February: Melville Centre, Abergavenny – Rebecca, Clay tile workshop

Frid. 4th February: Bridges, Monmouth – Katey, Button Hearts

Wed. 9th February: Melville Centre, Abergavenny – Bridget, Rag Rug Flowers

Frid. 11th February: The Bridges, Monmouth - Ginn, Embellish Embroidery

Wed. 16th February: Melville Centre, Abergavenny. Rachel – Drypoint printmaking

Frid. 18th February: The Bridges, Monmouth, Sarah, Willow Bird Feeders

Wednesday 23rd February: Melville Centre, Abergavenny, Katey - Twig Heart

Frid. 25th February: The Bridges, Monmouth – Bridget, Rag Rug Flowers

All sessions, which you can sign up for in advance, are in large airy rooms, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. They are free including materials & craft kits, for yourself or to share with those for whom you care. Refreshments provided. You can also sign up for a Crafts from Waste, accredited OCN course.

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